# Pyb2d Wasm Demo This examples: * Shows how to use [pyb2d](https://github.com/pyb2d/pyb2d), a python wrapper for [Box2d](https://box2d.org/)/[LiquidFun](https://google.github.io/liquidfun/) in the browser. * Uses a proper `npm` build system * Can uses docker **or** micromamba to get the wasm code from emscripten-forge * Runs asynchronous python code via `pyjs` * Has a build in code editor st. the examples can be modified on the fly and stores any modification to the code in the browsers indexed-db The source code can be found at [github.com/DerThorsten/pyb2d-wasm-demo](https://github.com/DerThorsten/pyb2d-wasm-demo). The demo below is generated by [github actions](https://github.com/DerThorsten/pyb2d-wasm-demo/blob/main/.github/workflows/main.yml) and hosted on [github pages](https://derthorsten.github.io/pyb2d-wasm-demo/).